Using Nolvadex And Clomid Together

After reading through this profile up to now, you should have a reasonable level of understanding in regards to how nolvadex and clomid differ from one another.

Why It May Be Essential To Use Nolvadex And Clomid Together During PCT

What’s great about using these two items together is that you’re actually forming the most powerful protective barrier against estrogen, testosterone suppression and other adverse steroid-related side effects possible by using both products at once.

With nolvadex you’re effectively able to protect the body against the residual build-up of negatively charged cholesterol whilst keeping gynecomastia at bay and generally combating any and all estrogenic issues, whilst clomid is able to provide a massive kickstart in terms of testosterone production.

The two perfectly complement each other and allow the user to effectively cover themselves from “every angle” as opposed to simply having a one dimensional element of protection. Depending on the strength of the steroid stack you have been using, it may be necessary to implement this level of protection.

Can Clomid Be Used As An Effective Anti-Gyno Treatment?

The short answer is yes - of course it can!

Anything that helps to effectively lower estrogenic activity over the course of a steroid cycle is without doubt going to help combat gynecomastia. That’s not in question.

What is questionable is the degree to which this protection is going to occur, and there are certainly more effective products out there for this specific purpose (letrozole and nolvadex for instance) but that doesn’t mean to say that it isn’t effective in its own right.

Compared to using no means of protection whilst on cycle, your chances of encountering gynecomastia are going to be significantly reduced when integrating clomid. So yes, it will work for this just isn’t the BEST choice out there.


Using Clomid To Recover Natural HPTA Levels

The HPTA or Hypothalamic Pituitary Gonadal Axis simply refers to the array of bodily components involved in the male fertility process / production of testosterone.

The levels in question here refer to the levels of hormone within our body that are relevant to such processes. So what you’re essentially considering here is whether or not clomid is capable of recovering FSH / LH and testosterone levels following an anabolic cycle.

As a result of reading this far, you’re already aware that this is indeed the likely end result when integrating clomid into a post cycle phase - it is capable of allowing us to restore optimal hormonal output within these areas.

As a result of the necessary stimulation needed to produce both LH and FSH when taking clomid, we are able to raise our entire HPTA levels up to their normal realms again following their diminishment during a steroid cycle.


Clomids Effects On Gonadotropins During PCT

Gonadotropins are simply any hormone or hormone group that directly interacts with the genitals (or “gonads”, as they have also come to be known as an abbreviated derivative of the gonadotropin name we see here) as part of the fertility process.

LH and FSH are classed as gonadotropins and are secreted from the gonadotrophs (please observe the previous link) - they both act to produce testosterone and improve male fertility.

Clomid sends a signal to the hypothalamus of the brain to trigger the pituitary gland to release these hormones from the gonadotroph cells - this in turn elevates our levels of testosterone as previously mentioned.

As such, we can surmise that clomid has an overwhelmingly positive effect on gonadotropins - this is in fact likely the primary reason why one may choose to utilise it as part of their intra or post cycle phase.