The Information for the Use of Clomid

Clomid is the brand name of Clomiphene Citrate drug. It is one of the most popular SERM drugs that is widely used to treat infertility in women and men. This drug is available by prescription. The Food And Drug Administration has approved it as fertility medication. It is widely prescribed to those women who want ovulation.

Professional sports players or anabolic steroid users use Clomid as an anti-estrogen drug that helps users to combat different side effects of anabolic steroids. It is widely used to perform post-cycle therapy after the steroid cycles. It has been an effective fertility medication over the past decades. This article will describe the essential points about Clomid.


I. Overview Of Clomid

Clomid is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that protects steroid users from various estrogenic side effects. It is an effective medication to treat infertility in women and men. It releases the needed hormones in the pituitary gland while stimulating ovulation in the body. It helps to cause ovulation (release an egg from the ovary) in women.

Steroid users can use Clomid to perform post-cycle therapy to boost natural testosterone production and save users from various adverse side effects. It is available in tablet and injectable forms, but users widely take its oral form to get effective results. You can find Clomid for sale from different websites.



II. How To Use Clomid?

Users can get several positive impacts if they use Clomid properly. If you are aiding Clomid for medical purposes, users need to take its dosage based on your doctor or physician’s recommendation. Doctors will prescribe the best-recommended dosage based on the individual requirements.

If you aid Clomid in performing the post-cycle therapy, you have to serve the perfect gap between your steroid cycles. Clomid is helpful to encourage natural testosterone production in the body, and it also protects users from various lower testosterone symptoms.
The recommended dosage and proper length of the Clomid cycle will give you effective results. Remember never to use its high dose or perform a long cycle because it may affect your health negatively.


III. Should I Use Clomid Oral Or Injectable?

It depends on individual preference. Some people want to take Clomid tablets, or some want to inject them. Many people believe injectable Clomid gives more effective results, but that is not true. According to my personal research, I have found out Clomid should never be injected because:

It can cause a higher risk of infection if you consume the dosage by using the same needles.
Clomid effectiveness is obsolete, so it is not designed to be administered in this fashion.
Clomid injections doses are difficult to gauge.



IV. Dosage And Cycle Information Of Clomid

Clomid dosage and cycle depending on individual goals. If you’re using it for medical treatment, Clomid dosage depends on individual needs. Professional steroid users use Clomid to perform the post cycle therapy; they need to perform the below-recommended dosage and cycle to get more effective results:

Week Clomid
Week 1 50 mg per day
Week 2 50 mg per day
Week 3 50 mg per day

The typical Clomid cycle is around three to four weeks. Users need to take 50 mg per day. This dosage is enough to restart the natural testosterone production in the body and bring your body to its normal state. A higher dose may cause several side effects, so avoid it.

Note: Female users are not required to perform the PCT cycle because testosterone suppression does not affect the female body, so Clomid is not recommended to female steroid users.

Female users use Clomid for only medical treatment to cause anovulation or as a fertility medication.


V. Benefits Of Using Clomid

Clomid is widely prescribed to women who can not ovulate. It is an effective medication to treat infertility in women, and it is also used in-vitro fertilization. Clomid is an effective medication to lower estrogen levels and boost testosterone levels in the body. So, steroid users use this drug as anti-estrogen.

It combats various estrogenic side effects and protects them from severe steroid side effects like water retention and gynecomastia. Generally, Clomid is an effective and well-tolerated drug that does not cause any severe side effects until you use its high dose.

When performing post-cycle therapy after the anabolic steroid cycle, the combination of both SERMs (Clomid+Nolvadex) is better because both of these drugs help you gain better results. This combination of the PCT cycle restarts the natural testosterone production in the body and brings it back to its normal state as it was before. It can also counteract the possible side effects of anabolic steroids.


VI. How Does Clomid Work In The Body?

Clomid drugs work by blocking estrogen production in the body while stimulating your hypothalamus and pituitary glands. It releases the gonadotropin-releasing hormone or GnRH, Luteinizing hormone or LH, and Follicle Stimulating Hormone or FSH. These presence hormones catalyze the egg follicles and increase the chance of ovulation.

Clomid as anti-estrogen works by binding into estrogen and reducing the amount of it, and stimulating testosterone production in the body. This can combat the various steroid estrogenic side effects and maintain your hard-earned gain.



VII. Where To Buy Clomid?

People can easily buy Clomid online from the top reputable websites or top pharmaceutical companies. Thousands of websites are available on the internet that sell Clomid drugs all over the world. Before buying Clomid, ensure the quality of your products because many websites sell fake products that give zero outcome results. So, always buy top quality and 100% original Clomid products from top resources like here.



Clomid is an effective drug that can be used for both medical and bodybuilding purposes. The recommended dosage of Clomid for medical use depends on individual needs, and professional steroids users can take the 50 mg per day for 21 days. This can help them to restore the natural testosterone production in the body. This drug is available in tablets and injectable form, but as per my analysis, you have to use Clomid tablets to get more effective results.

A long-term Clomid cycle and high doses may affect your health and cause various negative side effects like blurred vision, vomiting, nausea, swelling in the body, headache, fatigue, and many more.

You can also get some free Clomid cycle advice  from our coaching specialist because they have more than 10+ years of experience in the bodybuilding world, so they will guide you through the best cycle to get maximum effects with minimal side effects.

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