Clomid is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), and it is often used as an anti-estrogen drug by bodybuilders. Clomid for bodybuilding works as a protective agent after taking any anabolic steroids. Clomid is one of the best medications for treating fertility in women and sometimes in men when it comes to medical use. Initially, it was designed as an anti-cancer treatment. This drug is also used for ovulation induction in women. In this article, we will discuss Clomid use for bodybuilding terms.
What Is Clomid?
Clomid is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) drug that is used as anti-estrogen after any anabolic steroids cycles. Clomid boosts users’ testosterone level and helps them to protect themselves from the various side effects of anabolic steroids. Professional bodybuilders and athletes use Clomid to perform post-cycle therapy after the steroid cycle.
Clomid work similar to estrogen. It boosts fertility and also increases sperm count in men. When bodybuilders use this drug after the PCT cycle, this will protect you from various estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention and bloating. Get Clomid for sale from here.
The Food and Drug Administration has approved Clomid medication to treat infertility in women. In medical terms, Clomid is used for various treatments such as IVF, Surgery to remove a blockage, Artificial insemination and other medications. If you’re using Clomid for medical purposes, we advise you to consult your doctor before using it.
How To Take Clomid?
Clomid dosage depends on the user’s experience level. The typical recommended dosage for bodybuilders is 50 mg to 100 mg per day. Users can consume Clomid dosage based on their steroid cycle and cycle length. Usually, 50 mg per day is enough. The ideal Clomid cycle is for four weeks. Users can take the below doses based on their experience levels:
Week | Clomid (Beginner & Intermediate Users) | Clomid (Advance Users) |
Week 1 | 50 mg per day | 75 mg per day |
Week 2 | 50 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 3 | 25 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 4 | 25 mg per day | 25 mg per day |
Should I Use Oral Or Injectable Clomid?
Generally, Users use Clomid orally and take pills by mouth. Many people believe that injectable Clomid is more effective because it comes in liquid form. But here are some reasons that users should avoid Clomid injections:
- Gauge doses may be difficult
- Its sterility can’t be guaranteed
- There is a high risk of infection
- It is designer to administrate in fashion, so its effectiveness obsolete
Users should use oral Clomid because it is easy to consume, and the recommended doses will give you desirable results.
Can Clomid Be Used For Building Muscle?
Testosterone elevation enhances the user’s ability to develop muscularity in users. This entirely depends on the testosterone level available in their body. Anabolic steroids have the ability to create an enormous surge in the user’s androgen level. At the same time, Clomid doesn’t possess the ability to elevate the same capacity.
When users use anabolic steroids, it will suppress or shut down natural testosterone production. After the steroid cycle, when the user performs the PCT cycle with Clomid, it will start the reproduction of natural testosterone level and boost it. Clomid is not an effective drug to build muscle mass, but it is helpful to maintain the hard-earned gains that you have got from anabolic steroids.
When To Use Clomid?
Clomid for PCT utilising time is tricky. Users need to find the right time to consume it. When anabolic steroids are in the user’s system, their androgen levels are at the pick point. So, they need to wait for androgen levels to fall down. For this, users need to get an idea about steroids’ active half-life.
Once you stop using anabolic steroids, androgen levels are going to drop this means you can start taking Clomid after that. Generally, users need to stay for 3 or 4 days after the last administration of anabolic steroids.
How Does Clomid Work?
Clomid also protects a user’s from various estrogenic side effects. After Clomid administration, it triggers the user’s brain’s pituitary gland to secrete. It increases the user’s follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH) level. It prevents the user’s estrogen level from rising and is helpful to maintain your hard-earned gains.
The Benefits And Possible Side Effects Of Clomid
Just like all other drugs, Clomid also has positive and negative side effects. When the user consumes the correct dose and follow the recommended Clomid cycle, it will provide various benefits as mentioned below:
- Improve user’s vision
- Improve their mood
- Boost testosterone level
- Increase hypogonadism
- Increase user’s energy and performance
- Increase sperm production
- Useful in different surgery
- Fertility medication
When users consume high doses and use it for long-term, it may cause various adverse side effects as mentioned below:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Nausea and vomiting
- Discomfort
- Stomach pain
- Mouth ulcer
- Breast growth
- Cataracts
Users can easily avoid all the above side effects by following the recommended dosage and cycle duration. The lower doses of Clomid are safe to use. Avoid high dose and long-term use of Clomid.

Where To Buy Clomid?
Users can buy Clomid from the best steroid websites. It is easy to buy high-quality Clomid online from the various eCommerce stores. But make sure that you’re purchasing high-quality products because many websites sell fake products that waste your money and time. Never go for any cheap products. Always find reliable resources and buy original products that will give you desirable results.
Clomid for bodybuilding is widely used as an anti-estrogen drug. Initially, it was developed as an anti-cancer treatment. Bodybuilders and athletes use Clomid to perform post-cycle therapy after anabolic steroid cycle. This drug will combat users’ self from the various side effects that occur due to anabolic steroids.
Clomid also prevents your hard-earned muscle mass. If you need any free Clomid cycle advice, contact our coaching experts anytime. They will guide you to the best Clomid cycle as per your requirement. This cycle will help you to achieve your targeted goals.
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