It is a fundamental question, and many steroid users wonder why they need to perform post-cycle therapy. In this article, we examine why PCT is crucial, and we will discuss the SERMs for post-cycle therapy.
I. What Is Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)?
Post-Cycle Therapy is usually referred to as PCT. PCT is a specific protocol that has been used after the steroids cycle to recover the users’ hormone levels. When you intake any anabolic steroids, it will stop or suppress testosterone production. That’s why it is essential to perform post-cycle therapy at the end of the steroids cycles.
PCT helps you to reproduce natural testosterone production. The main objective of performing Post CT is to get your body into a natural state. Once your steroids cycle gets over, users can start their post-cycle therapy. There are various drugs that can be used for post-cycle therapy.

An example of a table of a Turinabol cycle for beginners containing PCT at the end of the cycle.
II. What Happens If You Don’t Perform PCT?
If you don’t follow post-cycle therapy, then it could take several months or years to get back to a normal state for your hormone levels. During the steroids cycle, you may face various side effects that may be due to low testosterone levels. To avoid them, it is necessary to perform PCT. If you don’t perform post-cycle therapy, you will lose most of the progress you have made from the steroids cycles.
III. Can Women Perform PCT?
Generally, Post-cycle Therapy should be avoided by female users because using aromatase inhibitors (AIs) can decrease the body’s production of estrogen and force them to have menopausal symptoms. PCT is not needed in women because they don’t need to restart the natural testosterone production in their bodies the same way male steroids users do. For women, the safer option is to tape the dose at the end of the anabolic steroids cycle.
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) is one of the most popular options for PCT. SERMs drugs block estrogen effects in your body. It also helps to treat breast cancer. When you intake high doses of steroids, it may cause several estrogen effects, such as Gynecomastia. When you use SERMs, the after steroids cycle can help you to avoid these side effects, and it also boosts testosterone levels and helps you to return to the normal state of testosterone production. Clomid and Nolvadex are the most popular SERMs products for PCT. Let’s understand them in detail.
What Is Clomid?
Clomid is a drug initially designed to treat as a part of anti-cancer and also used to boost fertility in women. Clomid is a well-known drug in the bodybuilding world as they are able to suppress levels of the female estrogen hormone. It also helps to increase sperm count and improve motility in men. Clomid is helpful to start producing testosterone again after the steroids cycle; that’s why it is a useful drug that is used in post-cycle therapy.

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When To Use Clomid?
Clomid for PCT can be tricky especially knowing the right time to utilize. To use Clomid, you need to know the active life of the steroids you are using. You can use Clomid when your androgen levels fall.
When you intake anabolic steroids, your androgen levels are going to be high; once you stop using them, they will start decreasing. So, you can use them about two weeks after the end of the cycle. Those two give enough time to fall your androgen levels. If you have any confusion about using Clomid, you can refer to this.
Side Effects Of Clomid
Clomid can cause various annoying problems in both men and women. Here are the most common side effects of Clomid:
- Diarrhea
- Increase Acne
- Vomiting
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Blurred vision
- Uterine bleeding
- Breast tenderness or discomfort
- Flushing and Hot flashes
- Swelling
- Mood swing
- Irritability
However, any of these side effects are rare to be serious, but still, you need to be careful while using this drug. Make sure you will perform recommended PCT cycles.
SERMs #2: Nolvadex
What Is Nolvadex?
Clomid is often used with Nolvadex during post-cycle therapy. Nolvadex is used primarily for breast cancer treatment in women. It is also known as Tamoxifen. Bodybuilders or athletes use Nolvadex during the PCT cycle to suppress estrogen. They use Nolvadex and Clomid together to get their testosterone levels back to the normal state.

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When to Use Nolvadex?
Nolvadex is used after the end of the anabolic steroids cycles. When you perform the PCT cycle and take Clomid and Nolvadex together, they are the most potent barrier against estrogen and also help you to normalize your testosterone production at the normal state.
Side Effects Of Nolvadex
Like other drugs, Nolvadex also carries various side effects with them. Here are some of the most common side effects of Nolvadex:
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Stomach upset
- Skin irritation
- Anxiety or Depression
- Loss of Libido
- Constipation
- Stomach cramps
- Changes in the menstrual cycle
- Flushing and Hot flashes
- Swelling
- Fatigue
- Muscle and bone pain
- Abdominal cramps
- Cough
- Leg cramps
- Loss of sexual interest/ ability (In men)
- Hair thinning
When you use Nolvadex for PCT, all the above side effects tend to be minimal. The main thing about Nolvadex is that it impacts on your sex drive.
V. Nolvadex vs. Clomid What’s the Difference
Nolvadex tends to be more effective when it comes to combating Gynecomastia. In contrast, Clomid tends to be more effective when it comes to a positive impact on fertility and regenerating sexual capacity.
Nolvadex is the most powerful and better option for general protection against both Gynecomastia and estrogen.
You can choose or make a decision based on your requirements. There is no right or wrong in regards to which one is the best because both of them work very effectively.
VI. Where To Buy?
You can find anabolic steroids for sale on different websites as nowadays the internet makes it very easy to buy Nolvadex steroids. You can quickly get Clomid online from the various eCommerce stores. If you want to buy Clomid online, you can go through this post.
Remember, not all suppliers or websites sell the quality of products, as many websites are selling counterfeit products. These products waste your money and give you zero outcomes. So, you should be aware of the types of fake steroids products and need to search for reliable or reputable steroids sources. Only authentic and high-quality products can give you the best results.
VII. Conclusion
When you decide to intake steroids, it is important to educate yourself on the importance of post-cycle therapy. We hope this article will make you realize and show you the importance of PCT. When you perform post cycle therapy at the end of the steroids cycle, it will help you to recover fastly and efficiently. You might face some side effects, but they are normal and temporary, so you don’t need to worry. The only thing you need to make sure of is to use the right supplement and follow recommended doses.
We have covered all the essential information about post cycle therapy in the above article. If you still have any queries related to Clomid bodybuilding, you can contact us anytime. We will advise you on the best cycle, doses, training, and diet. You can get the best guaranteed results in a short time with our coaching expert advice.
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