Clomid: Effective ways to restore hormones

Clomid is a famous brand name for generic Clomiphene Citrate. It is widely used in infertility and helps millions of women ovulate. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Clomid as a fertility drug back in the 1960s.

Clomid for bodybuilding is used as Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). This means it attaches to receptors reserved for estrogen. Its main effect is to increase Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and LH levels. This increasing level directly stimulates the ovary to mature and ovulate eggs. It can also be used for infertility treatments such as IUI and IVF or also for ovulation induction.


What Is Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid)?

Clomid is one of the best medications to treat infertility in females. Bodybuilders and professional athletes use Clomid as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). Clomid is an effective drug to boost testosterone levels and sperm count in men. It works similarly to estrogen and also boosts fertility in male users.

Generally, Clomid is used as a post cycle therapy supplement to start the reproduction of natural testosterone levels. This drug helps to protect yourself from various estrogenic side effects that occur due to the use of anabolic steroids. Get the top quality Clomiphene Citrate for sale  from here.



When To Use Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid)?

You should know the right tie to utilise Clomid for PCT; it can be a little bit tricky. You can use this drug when the androgen level falls down. For that, you need to know about the active half-life of the anabolic steroid which you’re using. When you use any anabolic steroids, your androgen levels are high. Once you stop using anabolic steroids, your androgen level drops gradually. You can use Clomid when your androgen level completely disappears, or you can also say that your body is entirely free from steroids.


How Does Clomid Work?

Clomid works by blocking estrogen hormone from interacting with the pituitary gland. When your estrogen interacts with the pituitary gland, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and less luteinising hormone (LH) are produced. Clomid drug blocks the estrogen interaction with the pituitary glands and also increases FSH, LH and testosterone levels in the body. It decreases testosterone level and also decreases sperm production in men.

The optimal dosage ranges from 12.5 milligrams (mg) to 400 mg per day. The recommended dosage is 25 mg per day for three weeks, and you can also take 50 mg per day as per requirement. Remember, high dose and long-term use of Clomid can actually have adverse side effects on sperm count production and mobility. So, always follow the recommended dosage and cycle duration. You can also take advice from physicians or your doctors or our coaching experts.


What Are Dosage Range Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid)?

Clomid dosage range depends on the steroids cycle duration and its dosage. You can also use the recommended dosage based on PCT and intra cycle treatments. People who are utilising Clomid for intra-cycle can use 50 mg per day to protect against estrogenic issues or testosterone production.

Those who want to use Clomid for post cycle therapy need to take 150 mg per day for two weeks, on their week 100 mg per day, and on the fourth week 50 mg per day.

Week Clomid (Beginner & Intermediate Users) Clomid (Advance Users)
Week 1 50 mg per day 75 mg per day
Week 2 50 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 3 25 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 4 25 mg per day 25 mg per day


What Are Benefits Of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid)?

Clomid is the best medication to treat infertility in females. It gives excellent results and helps women to ovulate. Based on a research study, both male and female factors are identified in 35% of couples who encounter challenges to conceive. When professional bodybuilders and athletes use Clomid as a PCT supplement, they will get numerous benefits such as:

  • Increase sperm count
  • Improve energy and strength
  • Improve vision
  • Improve libido and provide overall satisfaction
  • Boost testosterone level
  • Enhance hypogonadism symptoms
  • Increase male performance
  • Useful in different surgery



Nolvadex PCT Vs. Clomid PCT – Which One Is The Best?

Nolvadex and Clomid both drugs are effective and used in post-cycle therapy. Nolvadex effectively combats various estrogenic side effects such as Gynecomastia, whereas Clomid is effective for fertility and regenerating the persons’ sexual capacity.

Nolvadex is excellent as an estrogen blocker, and Clomid is more effective in boosting men’s testosterone levels. When it comes to protecting yourself from various estrogenic side effects, Nolvadex is the best option. When it comes to improve a person’s fertility or sex drive, Clomid is the best option.

Both of these drugs are very effective and useful. You can select the best PCT supplements cycle according to your requirements. Consider the above points and select the best option for you.


Where To Buy Clomid?

You can buy Clomid from the top reputable website or from the top pharmaceutical companies. All thanks to the internet! It makes it easier for any bodybuilders and athletes to find Clomid for sale.

Before buying them, be aware of the counterfeit products that many websites are selling. These fake products will give you zero outcome results and affect your health negatively. So, make sure to buy Clomid from reliable sources. Only original and high-quality drugs will help you to get desirable results.



Clomid is the best medication used for infertility treatment in females. The FDA approved this medication for use in males, but physicians and doctors prescribed Clomid as off-label to treat male infertility. Clomid can increase testosterone levels and also increase sperm counts in males. It is also used for male infertility such as:

  • IVF
  • Artificial insemination
  • Surgery to remove blockages
  • Other medications

Bodybuilders and athletes use Clomid as SERM, and that will boost the natural testosterone levels. If you need any free advice from our experts on the Clomid cycle, kindly contact us anytime.

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