Almost every anabolic steroid causes several adverse side effects if you don’t consume them properly. Many people avoid the use of anabolic steroids because of their health issues. If you seriously want to use anabolic steroids, then you have to understand its basic details and take any expert advice on how to consume them smartly. Learning how to combat various adverse side effects of anabolic steroids will give impressive results in the bodybuilding world.
You should know several tips about anabolic steroids’ smart use. One of them is PCT. PCT is a protocol that usually runs after every anabolic steroid cycle. It can help you to counteract the different adverse side effects of anabolic steroids. The other use of PCT is to maintain hard-earned gains from steroid cycles. To run the PCT, Clomiphene Citrate comes in. With this guide, you’ll learn the complete aspect of Clomid for bodybuilding.
I. What Is Clomiphene Citrate?
Clomiphene Citrate is also known as Clomid, which is a strong anti-estrogen drug. It has similar effects to Nolvadex; that’s why it is widely used to run PCT after the anabolic steroid cycle. The original purpose of using Clomid is to treat infertility in women and sometimes men. It has been famous as a fertility medication since the 1970s.
Clomid helps eliminate the side effects of anabolic steroids when it comes to bodybuilding. It is a powerful and effective selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) drug. Clomid is an effective drug to stimulate natural testosterone production, which was suppressed by anabolic steroids.
You can buy Clomiphene Citrate from the top reputable steroid website or pharmaceutical companies.
II. How Does Clomid Work In The Body?
Clomid work by binding to the brain receptors, which are responsible for producing more sex hormones. Lower testosterone causes different health issues, so if men’s hormone levels are timely restored, then they can avoid various low testosterone health issues like loss of muscle mass, energy, and strength. To avoid all the above side effects, Clomid is popular in the bodybuilding world.
Clomid mainly has positive effects on:
- Testosterone level (increase or restore them)
- GnRH (better production)
- Increase hormones that support follicle formation
Moreover, Clomid gets attached to estrogen receptors and affects Luteinizing hormone (LH) and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It can also increase high values of LH and FSH to get back to their regular levels. In other words, we can say that Clomid can certainly help steroids used to improve their overall health, performance, and physical appearance.
III. What Is The Correct Dose Of Clomid?
Clomid dose depends on what purpose you’re using; medical or bodybuilding. When it comes to running PCT for anabolic steroids users, people use lower doses like 25 mg to 50 mg per day. This dose is sufficient to counteract the different adverse side effects of anabolic steroids. The maximum Clomid dose is 50 mg per day. Higher doses than 50 mg per day will cause several health issues.
→ Female Dose Of Clomid
Clomid drug is developed initially to treat fertility in women. For this purpose, the general dose of Clomid is 50 mg per day to 100 mg per day. However, you can use this dose based on your doctor or physician’s advice. The identical Clomid dose is 50 mg per day. Clomid is not an effective compound for female bodybuilders or athletes because PCT is not useful for female users. Female users are not concerned about any estrogenic side effects of testosterone suppression.

Clomid treats fertile women
IV. What Are The Effects Of Clomid?
Clomid effects are either positive or negative. It depends on how you are consuming Clomid. A perfect Clomid cycle gives several positive effects, while a random cycle with a higher dose causes different adverse side effects.
→ Positive effects Of Clomid
- Restore the testosterone production
- Boost testosterone level
- Reduce estrogen level
- Get rid of the adverse side effects of steroids
- Maintain muscle mass gain after steroid cycle
- Effective fertility medication
- Boost energy level and performance
- Increase FSH and LH levels
- Powerful SERM drug
→ Negative effects Of Clomid
- Depression
- Irritability
- Hot flashes
- Headache
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Acne
- However, Clomid is a well-tolerated drug, so most of the above side effects disappear quickly once you stop the cycle. The other main advantage of Clomid is it won’t cause any severe side effects like other drugs.

Clomid is effective in maintaining muscle mass
V. Clomid For PCT
Steroid cycles suppress the testosterone level in the body. Generally, the body needs enough testosterone to function normally. The purpose of PCT is to wind testosterone levels back to normal. That’s why PCT is a crucial part of steroid use. Without PCT, you have to face different low testosterone symptoms and need to wait for a longer period to get back to normal testosterone level.
Clomid is a beneficial drug when it is included in PCT after the anabolic steroid cycle. The Anabolic steroid cycle will suppress or completely shut down testosterone production. So, the main goal of PCT is to restore the endogenous testosterone back to an average level so that steroid users can avoid the side effects of low testosterone.
Low testosterone side effects include loss of energy, loss of libido, low sex drive, poor concentration, and many more. The correct time to start PCT depends on which anabolic steroid cycle you’re using. It can vary according to steroids’ active half-life.
A shorter active half-life of steroids must start PCT in just one or two days after the complete steroid cycle. A longer steroid half-life must stay for three to four days after the last administration of the steroid dose. Depending on the steroid cycle, it takes several months to restore the testosterone level. But with powerful Clomid effects, you can easily restore testosterone level within a few weeks.
VI. Where Can I Get Clomid?
Clomid is an effective medication, so you can buy Clomid online or from top pharmaceutical companies. Let me clarify: Clomid for sale from the above sire is pure, safe, and reasonable. However, it is hard to find this type of reliable resource. Good quality of SERM drug gives excellent outcome results. You can find top brands of Clomid drugs available here in different dosages.
Clomid causes specific positive effects on testosterone production. It can also improve a steroid user’s strength and appearance. Before using this drug, it is essential to take advice from your doctor so that you can not face any health issues. The right amount of Clomid dose has several positive effects on the body. You should perform PCT at the correct timing so that you can avoid different side effects of anabolic steroids.
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